Filing Codes

Central Index Key (CIK): A unique number assigned by the SEC, distinguishing the company or individual to which it is assigned. Used by EDGAR to identify either a submitter (LOGIN CIK) or filer.

Password: A unique, confidential code assigned to EDGAR filers that must be used in conjunction with the CIK number. You must enter these two codes correctly to access EDGAR. You must use the electronic Form ID to apply for a password.

CIK Confirmation Code (CCC): An eight-character code that EDGAR uses in conjunction with the CIK to authenticate a filer.

Password Modification Authorization Code (PMAC): An eight-character code that authenticates a request to change a password.

Passphrase: A security code used in conjunction with the CIK to generate a set of EDGAR Access Codes. You must enter these two codes correctly to generate New or Replacement EDGAR Access Codes. The passphrase is unique and distinct from the password. The passphrase cannot be used to log in to any of the EDGAR websites. The passphrase must be 8 characters long and must contain at least one digit and one of the following characters: @, #, *, or $.